How Improwerment could almost save the economy ?

Yellow jackets crisis in France, pandemia with global confinement, climate crisis, war in Ukraine... there is matter to crisis !
So many unforeseen events have impacted all sectors of the economy and have accelerated the VUCA(volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) perception of our rapidly and unpredictably changing world, hence its name.
Long- and medium-term planning becomes challenging due to dynamic and systemic changes. Some lose all hope of being able to project themselves into the future and choose to focus on adapting effectively to changing conditions. And as Edgar Morin wrote:
"We try to surround ourselves with as many certainties as possible, but to live is to sail in a sea of uncertainties, through islets and archipelagos of certainties on which we refuel... » .
Adapting to change is an increasingly sought-after skill and fortunately, this flexibility can be developed and trained. Thank God !
How do you motivate the brains of the company to move them from automatic operation to adaptive mode?
Neuroscience has recently undergone impressive developments, revealing the mechanisms of learning, motivation, decision-making, leadership that interest the business world. In this field, improwerment, a set of neurobehavioral dynamics exercises from Applied improvisation and neuroscience, is a formidable empowerment tool facilitating the neuroplasticity of the brain and quickly adaptable in the company.
The basics that govern the ability to improvise are: acceptance, listening, involvement, open-mindedness, collective spirit and pleasure.
When we talk about soft skills, development of soft skills and daring to do, the practice of applied improvisation brings us a precious help.
Improwerment invites you to discover this wonderful means of expression of collective intelligence, talent revealing, the potential of your teams and a great asset for the employer brand.
To avoid reacting to unexpected changes through flight or struggle, dare, try and experiment slight changes. Take them as exercises that allow your brain to adapt faster.
These changes will allow your brain to connect with adaptive mode and build new neural pathways. The best news is that experiencing novelty and being mentally challenged in improwerment workshops does a lot of good. Generally, trainees finish the exercises with a big smile and punctuating with a: "it's not easy but it's so great".
Neurosciences will be effective in a VUCA environment, to challenge cognitive biases, develop the ability of the employees, of the the manager to look and listen beyond their functional areas of expertise in order to understand their environment and to think "outside the box". The leader will be able to develop his flexibility and curiosity, his ability to communicate within the organization and to act quickly to apply solutions that can challenge certain established processes. Agility is born of collective intelligence and cannot be decreed: it can be worked.
This implies a completely different approach to the training and development of employees, especially the new generations Y and Z, born with the changes of today's world, living with digital and very attentive tothe meaning of work, the values of companies as well as the attitude of management. They have difficulty considering top-down authority and favor a collaborative and mentoring approach.
Big challenges for companies, too often anchored in their old habits and organizational patterns.
However, there is every interest in creating a dynamic of succession system and acting on a positive lever by integrating the improwerment will prove profitable for the employee, the manager.
Through the series of exercises, scenarios and maieutic reflections, the employee will perceive the advantages of demonstrating
1. confidence in oneself, in others, in the world, in one's ability to cope and adapt
2. audacity, to dare to take risks, not to suffer the situation and learn from its failures
3. cooperation, to enrich itself with the diversity of points of view, opinions, analyses
4. the ability to relativize, to gain height, to differentiate what we can act on and cannot act on
5. positivism, in order to focus on the benefits of this new environment
6. humility, learning to let go, to accept not knowing everything or being able to foresee and master everything
In addition, an improwerment will be a source of benefits for the company in terms of employer brand: quality of service, increased productivity and competitiveness, strengthened group cohesion, commitment and involvement of the employee in the life of the company,
What if daring allowed to advance to the creative wind of the unexpected in the VUCA world? Improwerment as a new asset of the corporate culture of a world of work where everyone would unite meaning and involvement, would it be one of the keys to the best of the worlds of work?
IMPROOVITY offers educational paths, improwerment sessions. To learn more, contact us here.
(Translated from French by Pascal Girardot)